
Fraunhofer IPK in Berlin is a leading institute in production science. We conduct applied research and development along the entire process chain of manufacturing companies. Our goal is a sustainable production – inventive, human-centered and resource-efficient. We support companies in exploiting the potential of new manufacturing methods, in particular additive manufacturing processes. Our interdisciplinary team specializes in metal AM processes, offering economical solutions for printing innovative materials, customized repair processes and shortened time-to-market. Our strength lies in our broad manufacturing know-how, specifically combining classic production processes, automation concepts, post processing and IoT systems with additive processes. For us, additive manufacturing is a crucial building block for solving current challenges in production.


Published articles

  • Bergmann, A., Gridin, W., Uhlmann, E., & Fraunhofer IPK. (2012). Studie Zur Verarbeitung von Wolframkarbid-Kobalt Für Die Additive Fertigung von Innenkonturierten Werkzeugen, Begleitband zur 7. Berliner Runde-Neue Konzepte für Werkzeugmaschinen: 22.-23. M & #228;rz 2012 / von/by Uhlmann, Eckart [Hrsg.].-Fraunhofer-Institut für Produktionsanlagen und Konstruktionstechnik.-Berlin: Fraunhofer Institut Produktionsanlagen und Konstruktionstechnik.-978-3-9814405-5-3 (ISBN).-(2012).
  • Uhlmann, E., Pastl Pontes, R., & Bergmann, A. (2016), Prozessmodell für selektives Laserstrahlschmelzen [Process model for selective laser melting], wt Werkstattstechnik online: Forschung und Entwicklung für die Produktion.-Verein Deutscher Ingenieure.-Düsseldorf: Springer-VDI-Verl..-0941-2360 (ISSN).-106 (2016) 7-8.
  • Uhlmann, E., Polte, J., Neuwald, T., Kersting, R., & Brunner-Schwer, C. (2021). Additives Fertigungs-Duo erleichtert Sensorintegration, Maschinen Markt: Vogel Communications Group GmbH & Co. KG: 0341-5775 (ISSN).
    Kersting, R., Krüger, J., Uhlmann, E., & Möhring, C. (2023). Auftragschweißen mittels mikrowelleninduziertem Plasma Anlagenentwicklung und Verfahrensauslegung für die additive Fertigung, Berichte aus dem Produktionstechnischen Zentrum Berlin, VIII, 178.
  • Uhlmann, E., Pontes, R. P., Laghmouchi, A., & Bergmann, A. (2017). Intelligent Pattern Recognition of a SLM Machine Process and Sensor Data. Procedia CIRP, 62, 464-469.
  • Uhlmann, E., Pontes, R. P., Laghmouchi, A., & Bergmann, A. (2018). Concept of Sustainable Data for a Selective Laser Melting Machine. Procedia Manufacturing, 21, 655-662.
  • Bergmann, A., Grosser, H., Graf, B., Uhlmann, E., Rethmeier, M., & Stark, R. (2013). Additive Prozesskette zur Instandsetzung von Bauteilen: Aufbau, Reparatur und Modellbildung. Laser-Technik-Journal, 10(2), 31-35.
  • Uhlmann, E., Bergmann, A., & Gridin, W. (2015). Investigation on Additive Manufacturing of Tungsten Carbide-cobalt by Selective Laser Melting. Procedia CIRP, 35, 8-15.
  • E. Uhlmann, J. Polte, M. Bösing (2023). Image-based Monitoring Approach for an In-Situ Analysis of the Vapour Plume Behaviour of PBF-LB/M Manufactured Titanium Alloys. ISMTII Conference Article
  • Müller, V.; Fasselt, J.; Kruse, T.; Klötzer-Freese, C.; Kleba-Ehrhardt, R.; Choma, T.; Biegler, M.; Rethmeier, M.: Using ultrasonic atomization to recycle aluminium bronze chips for additive laser directed energy deposition. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1296 (2023) 012036
  • Müller, V.; Fasselt, J.; Klötzer-Freese, C.; Kruse, T.; Wagner, F.: Fleximan Flexible Additive Manufacturing For Competitive Maritime Components. Statustagung Maritime Technologien (2023), S. 185 – 196
  • Nils Scheuschner, Frank Heinrichsdorff, Simon Oster, Eckart Uhlmann, Julian Polte, Anzhelika Gordei, Kai Hilgenberg: In-situ monitoring of the laser powder bed fusion process by thermography, optical tomography and melt pool monitoring for defect detection. Lasers in Manufacturing Conference 2023
  • Eckart Uhlmann, Julian Polte, Anzhelika Gordei, Paul-Albert Bartlau (2023). Entwicklung eines Simulationsmodells für Laser-Powder-Bed-Fusion Prozess. CADFEM Journal
  • Eckart Uhlmann; Julian Polte; Josue Davila Cherres; Jaroslaw Kochan; Anuar Santoyo Alum (2023). Parameter Optimization of Additive Manufacturing Process LPBF Using an Evolution Strategy Algorith Applied on the Material Tungsten Carbide Cobalt WC-Co 83/17. Advances in Materials Science Research. NOVA Science Publishers, Inc. 979-8-88697-935-0 (ISBN).
  • Eckart Uhlmann, Julian Polte, Janek Fasselt, Kamil Balcerek, Tobias Neuwald, Winfried Hillenmeyer, Anzhelika Gordei, Dominik Schmid, Edson Costa Santos (2022). An approach for distortion compensation for the manufacturing of complex parts via Laser Powder Bed Fusion. Euspen special Interest Group Meeting: Thermal Issues. URL:
  • Polte, J.; Polte, M.; Hocke, T.; Lahoda, C.; Uhlmann, E. (2021). Tauchgleitläppen ermöglicht präzise additiv gefertigte Bauteile. Mission Additive. URL: (Zugriff: 2021-10-21).
  • Polte, J.; Polte, M.; Hocke, T.; Lahoda, C.; Uhlmann, E. (2021). Precision finishing of additively manufactured components using the immersed tumbling process, euspen´s 21st International Conference & Exhibition, Copenhagen, DK, S. 63 – 64. Polte, J.; Neuwald, T.; Gordei, A.; Kersting, R.; Uhlmann, E. (2021). Effects on part density for a highly productive manufacturing of WC-Co via Laser Powder Bed Fusion, euspen’s 21st International Conference & Exhibition, Copenhagen, DK, June 2021.
  • Uhlmann, E.; Polte, J.; Kersting, R.; Brunner-Schwer, C.; Neuwald, T. (2021). Sensor integration in hybrid additive manufactured parts for real-time monitoring in turbine operations, euspen’s 21st International Conference & Exhibition, Copenhagen, DK, June 2021.
  • Uhlmann, E.; Polte, J.; Neuwald, T.; Kersting, R.; Brunner-Schwer, Chr.; Königsreuther, P. (2021). Additives Fertigungs-Duo erleichtert Sensorintegration; Maschinenmarkt.URL: (Zugriff 2021: 2021-04-21).
  • Gordei, A., Käfer, S.: Qualitätskontrolle für SLM-Anlagen. ( Pontes, R. P.: Methodology for the in-process Evaluation of Software-based Process Failures in Selective Laser Melting Machine Tools. Dissertation TU Berlin, 2017.
  • Uhlmann, E., Saber, Y.: Conceptualization of a Measurement Procedure for Determination of Characteristic Properties of SLM Produced Parts by Means of Computed Tomography. Procedia Manufacturing 47, 2020.
  • Uhlmann, E., Reis de Ascencao, G., Hesse, B., Suuronen, J.-P., Domingos, D. C., Zhuang, J.: Investigations on the Use of Photodiodes for In-situ Defect Detection in Laser-based Powder Bed Fusion of Metals. Proceedings 19th Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing, 2023.
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