

  • VIM furnace, 5 kg of steel;
  • VIM furnace, 100 kg of steel max;
  • Electron beam furnace, 1.5 kg of titanium;
  • AIM, 100 kg of steel max.

Metallic powder

  • Inert gas atomizer-PSI, 5 kg of steel;
  • Inert gas atomizer HERMIGA PSI, 15 kg of steel max;
  • Spray forming and gas atomizer without controlled atmosphere, 5 Kg of steel max;
  • FT4 Powder Reometer;
  • Particle insight-particle shape analyser;
  • PSD laser diffraction analyzer;
  • Microtrac Retsch Camsizer X2;
  • Jet mill.

3D printing

  • L-PBF machine-Omisint 160, 500 W;
  • L-PBF machine OMNISINT-160/2, 300 W, fiber laser flattop and with the possibility to heat the substrate up to 250 ºC;
  • L-PBF machine Aurora Labs (model S-Titanium Pro), 300 W, CO2 laser and with the possibility to heat the substrate up to 100 ºC;
  • AddUP 5 axis, laser IPG 1.2 kW, spot size 0.8 mm with inert chamber of 1 m3 volume;
  • ROMI 4 axis laser n-Light 1.2 Kw, spot size 2 mm ambiente printing, 800 mm longest axis;
  • PBF-LB/M machine Renishaw RenAM 500Q HT, quad laser with 500 W, 500 °C preheating;
  • PBF-LB/M machine SLM Solutions SLM 250 HL;
  • DED-LB/M machine Trumpf TruLaser Cell 7020 5 axis;
  • PBF-LB/M machine Aconity3D AconityMINI.

Post-processing/Surface finishing

  • CNC machine: Romi DCM 620 5x;
  • CNC machine: Romi D 800 3x;
  • CNC machine: Romi Lathe E 280;
  • Shot peening blast cabinet – Zirtec ZS 9075/E;
  • Coordinate measuring machine: Mitutoyo CRYSTA-Apex S 900 Series;
  • Portable surface roughness tester: SURTRONIC S-128 – Taylor Hobson Limited;
  • Portable X-ray residual stress analyzer: PULSTEC -X360s;
  • Surface analyzer Micromeritics ASAP 2020;
  • Abrasive flow machining Micro Technica Technologies Delta Towers MF / 100;
  • CNC machine: DMG DMU 50;
  • CNC machine: Exeron HSC 600;
  • CNC machine: Hermle C 50 U;
  • CNC machine: MAP LPZ 900;
  • CNC machine: Lang MC 500;
  • CNC machine: Sauer UltraSonic 260 Composites;
  • Streamfinishing machine: OTEC SF – 2;
  • Dragfinishing machine: OTEC DF – 3;
  • Centrifugal disc grinding machine: OTEC CF – 2;
  • Electropolishing machine: OTEC EF-Smart S;
  • CMM machines: Zeiss O-Inspect and Zeiss Prismo 7 and Zeiss F25.

Post-processing/Heat Treatment

  • Muffle furnace for heat treatment: Flyever FE50RPN;
  • Vacuum furnace for heat treatments up to 1000ºC;
  • Muffle furnace for heat treatment: Nabertherm LH60/13;
  • Quenching dilatometer/.

Mechanical testing

  • Microhardness equipment: EMCOTEST DuraScan G5;
  • Rotating-beam fatigue machine RBF-200;
  • Adapted plane bending fatigue testing machine;
  • Rolling contact fatigue bench: Ball-Rod RCF Tester.


  • Biologic Potentiostat, model SP-200, voltage 0-12 V and current 500 mA to 10 nA;
  • Biologic Potentiostat, model SP-300, voltage 0-12 V and current 500 mA – 10 nA;
  • Gamry Potentiostat, Reference 600+ model with voltage 0-11V and current 600 mA – 60 pA;
  • Metrohm potentiostat model Autolab PGSTAT302N voltage -10V – 10 V and current 10 nA – 1 A;
  • Solartron potentiostat, model SI 1287, voltage 0 – 20V and current 2 A – 200 nA;
  • SVET – (Scanning Vibrating Electrode Technique) – Technique of scanning of the vibrating electrode;
  • Salt spray chamber – Salt-Spray Equilam.

Microstructure Characterization

  • Scanning electron microscope: with EDS, SE and BSE;
  • Scanning electron microscope: with FEG;
  • Transmission electron microscope with EDS;
  • Chromatic aberration confocal microscope CT-100 – CYBER TECHNOLOGIES;
  • Confocal microscope: ALICONA Infinite Focus;
  • X-ray diffractometer: Malvern Panalytical Empyrean;
  • CT machine: Zeiss Metronotom 800.

Chemical Analysis

  • Oxygen, Nitrogen and Hydrogen analyzer;
  • Carbon and Sulfur analyzer;
  • Spark Optical Emission Spectrometer;
  • Atomic Absorption Spectrometer;
  • Inductive Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometer;
  • Inductive Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer;
  • X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer.
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