IPT is a state owned company with non-profit purposes, providing technical solutions for companies, government and society.

The performance in the field of Metal Additive Manufacturing has the basis on the extensive background on powder metallurgy and alloy solidification.


Published articles

  • Giovanna F. Colombo, Moysés L. de Lima, Mário Boccalini Jr., Alzira V. O. Corrêa, Marcelo T. Veiga, Berg Huettenmaenn Monatsh https://doi.org/10.1007/s00501-023-01418-4, 2023
  • Mário Boccalini Jr., Raílson B. Falcão, Marcelo F. Moreira, Moysés L. de Lima, Fernando J. G. Landgraf. “Mechanical Behavior of Additive Manufactured Nb-Ti and Ti-Nb-Zr Alloys Using Plasma Atomized and HDH Powders”. 7th MAMC (2022)
  • Silva, F. C., Lima, M. L., Colombo, G. F. Evaluation of a Mathematical Model Based on Lubanka Equation to Predict Particle Size for Close-Coupled Gas Atomization of 316L Stainless Steel. Materials Reserch 2022. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1590/1980-5373-MR-2021-0364
  • Falcão, R.B.; Sallica-Leva, E.; Bayerlein, D.L.; Neto, J.B.; Landgraf, F.J.G. “Obtention of Nb47Ti and Ti13Nb13Zr Alloys Powders by Hydride-Dehydride Process for Additive Manufacturing Applications”. MSF (2020).
  • D.L. Bayerlein; R.B. Falcão; E. Sallica-Leva; C.J. Papini; J.B. Ferreira Neto; H. Takiishi. “Rheology study for plasma atomized and HDH Ti13Nb13Zr powders”. Anais do AMPM18.
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