The Aeronautics Institute of Technology is a federal public academic institution specialized in the aerospace science and technology, considered a national reference center on engineering education.

The Manufacturing Competence Center of the Aeronautics Institute of Technology (CCM-ITA) is a laboratory that works on projects focused on manufacturing technologies through academic-industrial cooperation.

The research carried out in Additive Manufacturing of Metals is based on investigations into the characteristics of surface integrity and improving the viability of the AM process.


Published articles

  • L.F.Kultz,Unti,L.S.Aota,A.L.Jardini,A.P. Tschiptschin,H.R.Z.Sandim,E.A.Jägle,K.D.Zilnyk, Microstructural characterization of 15-5PH stainless steel processed by laser powder-bed fusion, Materials Characterization, Volume 181, November 2021, 111485
  • Leonardo Shoji Aota, Priyanshu Bajaj, Kahl Dick Zilnyk, Eric Aime Jägle ,Dirk Ponge, Hugo Ricardo Zschommler Sandim, Dierk Raabe, Recrystallization kinetics, mechanisms, and topology in alloys processed by laser powder-bed fusion: AISI 316L stainless steel as example, Materialia, Volume 20, December 2021, 101236
  • Leonardo Shoji Aota , Priyanshu Bajaj, Kahl Dick Zilnyk, Dirk Ponge, Hugo Ricardo Zschommler Sandim, The origin of abnormal grain growth upon thermomechanical processing of laser powder-bed fusion alloys, Materialia, Volume 20, December 2021, 101243
  • Leticia F. Starck, Kahl D. Zilnyk, Ana L. T. Senra, Ricardo S. Namur, Marcel T. Izumi, Maurício de Castro, Milene Y. Maeda, Victor A. N. Righetti, Antonio J. Ramirez Osvaldo M. Cintho, In situ x-ray Diffraction Study of the Deformation of an AISI 316L Stainless Steel Produced By Laser Powder Bed Fusion, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, vol. 31, p. 8013-8026, (2022)
  • Anderson Vicente Borille, Jefferson de Oliveira Gomes, Daniel Lopes. Geometrical analysis and tensile behaviour of parts manufactured with flame retardant polymers by additive manufacturing. Rapid Prototyping Journal, Vol. 23 Iss 1 pp, (2017). []
  • Anderson Borille, Jefferson Gomes, Rudolf Meyer, Karl Grote. Applying decision methods to select rapid prototyping technologies. Rapid Prototyping Journal, Vol. 16 Iss 1 pp. 50 – 62, (2010). []
  • Eckart Uhlmann, Robert Kersting, Tiago B. Klein, Marcio F. Cruz, Anderson V. Borille.  Additive manufacturing of titanium alloy for aircraft components. Procedia CIRP 35 (2015) 55 – 60. []
  • Lucas Robatto, Ronnie Rego, Jose Mascheroni, Arthur Kretzer, Izabel Criscuolo, Anderson Borille. Evolution of Residual Stresses induced by different L-PBF build orientations along a post-processing chain of 20MnCr5 steel. Procedia CIRP 108 (2022) 873–878. []
  • Marcio F. Cruz, Anderson V. Borille. Decision methods application to compare conventional manufacturing process with metal additive manufacturing process in the aerospace industry. J Braz. Soc. Mech. Sci. Eng. 39, 177–193 (2017). []
  • Pedro H. E. Rodrigues, Luiz F. K. Unti, Fábio E. Mariani, Piter Gargarella, Osvaldo M. Cintho, Antonio J. Ramirez, Kahl Zilnyk. Effect of Hot Isostatic Pressing of Water Atomized AISI 316L Manufactured by Laser Powder Bed Fusion. Materials Research, 2023. []
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