
The Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo’s mission is to train Engineering professionals with scientific and technical excellence, who can become innovative and entrepreneurial leaders, researchers, disseminate and preserve knowledge, and provide services of high relevance and impact for society, on a national and international level.

The traditional and recognized background on phase transformation and microstructure characterization upholds the performance in the field of Metal Additive Manufacturing.


Published Articles

  • Willy Ank de Morais, Railson Bolsoni Falcão, Mario Boccalini Jr, Fernando José Gomes Landgraf, Fatigue behaviour of additive manufactured Nb-48Ti alloy parts from powders produced by Plasma Atomization (PA) and Hydride-Dehydride (HDH) process, Engineering Failure Analysis 156 (2024) 107762
  • J.S. Guzmán-Hernandez.; R. Moura Nobre; D.L. Bayerlein; R.B. Falcão; E. Sallica-Leva; J.B. Ferreira Neto; H.R. Oliveira; V.L. Chastinet; F.J.G. Landgraf. “Study of the Ti-53Nb Alloy fabricated by selective laser melting”. Apresentação oral no MS&T.
  • J.S. Guzmán-Hernandez; R. Moura Nobre; D.L. Rodrigues Júnior; W. A. Morais; E. R. Nunes; D.L. Bayerlein; R.B. Falcão; E. Sallica-Leva; H.R. Oliveira; V.L. Chastinet; F.J.G. Landgraf. “Comparing Spherical and Irregularly Shaped Powders in Laser Powder Bed Fusion of Nb47Ti Alloy”. JMEPEG (2021).
  • J.S. Guzmán-Hernandez; R. Moura Nobre; E. R. Nunes; D.L. Bayerlein; R.B. Falcão; E. Sallica-Leva; J.B. Neto; H.R. Oliveira; V.L. Chastinet; F.J.G. Landgraf. “Laser powder bed fusion parameters to produce high-density Ti53%Nb alloy using irregularly shaped powder from hydride-dehydride (HDH) process”. JMR&T (2021).
  • R. Moura Nobre; W. A. Morais; M. T. Vasques; J.S. Guzmán-Hernandez; D.L. Rodrigues Júnior; H.R. Oliveira; R.B. Falcão; F.J.G. Landgraf. “Role of laser powder bed fusion process parameters in crystallographic texture of additive manufactured Nbe48Ti alloy”. JMR&T (2021).
  • E. Sallica-Leva, J.B. Fogagnolo, R.B. Falcão, J.B. Ferreira Neto, C.T. dos Santos, D.L. Bayerlein, F.J.G. Landgraf. “Processing of Ti–13Nb–13Zr powder by selective laser melting under a relatively high oxygen atmosphere”. JMP (2022).
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